Happy Schools Project

Prioritize and facilitate fulfillment,

from within

Guidance on your unique path

from old school to happy school

School is the foundation of our culture and our culture is ​unwell physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

It’s time to go from talking about what needs ​to change, to being the change.

Our unique blend of experience and expertise working within ​schools and school systems offers an opportunity to partner ​with you in creating a school culture centered on fulfillment.

Join a community of ​educators who are forging ​the path to happy schools


Trusting educator well-being to insurance ​companies, online modules, overpriced products, ​outdated approaches, and services offered by ​people who haven’t spent time in the trenches.

Empower change from within.

Created by educators, for educators.

In our community, the future of work in education is ​brighter and more beautiful than it’s ever been. No ​educator needs to face our uncertain future alone ​and unprepared–we are with you.

Face our uncertain future with hope, clarity, and intention

Let Us Be Your Guide

McKinley Withers, Ed.D

Former public secondary teacher, school ​counselor, District specialist, and educator ​wellness specialist with experience in ​suburban, large District school systems.

Holly Todd, M.Ed.

Former public elementary school ​counselor, teacher, State-level specialist, ​with unique experience supporting rural ​and State-level school systems.

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A Magic Wand

We wish. This is where you come in as ​part of our expert team. The magic is ​already there, all around you, let us help ​you discover and maximize it!

Our Simple Process

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All work is relational and we begin ​by ensuring that our visions align ​for an effective partnership

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Recognize your unique strengths ​and areas for growth through a ​guided, intentional inquiry

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Streamline and simplify critical work ​and resources to honor the potentia​l that’​s already within

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Generate new ideas and practices ​to boldly re-imagine education to ​pri​oritize and facilitate fulfillment


We partner with schools, districts, small teams, and individuals to ​recover fulfillment in everyday life. Educators are caring, passionate ​people at their core and our process is designed to bring that back ​to life. With support, attention, and intention each of us can ​recover our unique version of fulfillment. The term “recovery” ​implies that what fulfills us is already inside us. This means that our ​journey to fulfillment is a process of shedding who we aren't, not ​"improving" on who we think we should be. There is no deficit to ​be made up as we remember and reconnect with our true selves.

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Small Team

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Learn more

Start your custom ​project today!


Email us for more information about individual, ​small group, school, and district projects